The mission of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County (LAGOP) is simple:
To advance the principles, ideals, and policies of the Republican Party
To aid in the election of Republican candidates for public office.
Our objectives include:
Encouraging voter registration;
Turning out friendly voters;
Promoting candidate recruitment and development;
Promoting an informed electorate;
Supporting fund-raising to finance its activities;
Publicizing and aiding activities of volunteers and candidates;
Motivating eligible residents to become citizens;
Provide volunteers to support endorsed Republican candidates.
If you are interested in shaping the future of our region and making a difference, we want you to become a part of the LAGOP!
Timothy L. O’Reilly
Welcome to the Republican Party of Los Angeles County. We call ourselves “LAGOP” recognizing our legacy as the Los Angeles County representatives of the Grand Old Party of Lincoln, Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Reagan, and Trump. I am humbled and honored to lead such a great organization of volunteer citizen patriots.
Being a Republican means that you believe in the preeminence of the individual. We recognize that our strength comes not from a particular group or government program, but rather from WE THE PEOPLE - the individual.
It is the individual who has rights, not the collective, not the state, nor the government.
It is the individual who must be protected and be allowed to choose liberty.
It is the individual that must be free to live their lives without interference of government statists.
We believe in a fiscally responsible limited government and low taxes,
These are fundamental beliefs of Republicans.
As members of the official Republican Party in Los Angeles County, LAGOP’s mission is very simple: Register Republican voters, get good Republican candidates to run, and organize motivated Republican voters to get our candidates elected.
We are not an issue or policy debating society. Our policies and positions are established in our party platform. We are the elected members of the Republican party, as dedicated grassroot patriots and conservatives, are the organizers of the ground game to support our party’s chosen candidates and elected officials.
History tells us that liberty minded citizens are sometimes called upon to save our country from the onslaught of socialist and progressive ideologies. Those woke and progressive ideas have always led to the enslavement of the individual. Our party was founded as the anti-slavery party to end democrat opposition to freedom and liberty of all people. Now is the time that conservatives must continue in that calling.
The Republican Party remains the party of the future. We are the instrument by which our people, with the grace of God, will carry our county, or great state and or great nation, forward to new heights of liberty, freedom, peace, harmony, and the restoration of equal justice for all.
Our party must continue to build the coalitions necessary to restore the greatness of Los Angeles County and our beautiful California. As the largest County Republican party in the nation, we have an obligation to lead. We live in a place that is too beautiful to leave to the radical leftists.
Join us in the fight.
Timothy L. O’Reilly
Chairman, Republican Party of Los Angeles County